
ICDCS 2012

The 32nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems


The conference provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry and government to present their latest research findings in any aspects of distributed and parallel computing. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Algorithms and Theory
  • Cloud Computing Systems
  • Data Management and Data Centers
  • Distributed OS and Middleware
  • Fault Tolerance and Dependeability
  • Network/Web/P2P Protocols and Applications
  • Security and Privacy
  • Wireless, Mobile, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Computing


Workshops will be held in conjunction with the conference. Workshop proposals should be submitted to Workshops Co-Chair Prof. Jiannong Cao () or Prof. Min Song ()by September 1, 2011. Notification of acceptance will be made by October 1, 2011. Please see the conference web page for details.

Paper Submission

Form of Manuscript: All paper submissions should follow the IEEE 8.5" x 11" Two-Column Format.

When using the LaTeX style file, we recommend using the following format options:


Each submission can have 10 pages. If the paper is accepted for publication, up to 2 over-length pages may be purchased for the final camera-ready version.

Electronic Submission: Submissions will be handled via the conference web page.

The proceedings of the conference and the workshops will be published in CDs by the IEEE-CS Conference Publishing Services (CPS).

Important Deadlines

Abstract Registration November 11, 2011
Paper Submission November 18, 2011 at 23:59 (UTC-12)
Author Notification February 7, 2012
Final Manuscript March 14, 2012
For further information, please contact Technical Program Co-Chairs
Prof. Xavier Defago
Prof. Wang-Chien Lee